Namespaces | Files | Defines



namespace  chomp

This namespace contains the entire CHomP library interface.


file  mw.h

This is the main header file in the MultiWork group which includes all the other header files.

file  mw_none.h

This header file accompanies the corresponding CPP file which contains the implementation of dummy core communication functions of the MultiWork module, to be used in case no network interface is available.

file  mw_unix.h

This header file accompanies the corresponding CPP file which contains the implementation of the core communication functions of the MultiWork module, to be used with the Unix interface to network sockets.

file  mw_win32.h

This header file accompanies the corresponding CPP file which contains the implementation of the core communication functions of the MultiWork module, to be used with the 32-bit MS-Windows interface to network sockets.

file  mw_wxwin.h

This header file accompanies the corresponding CPP file which contains the implementation of the core communication functions of the MultiWork module, to be used with the wxWidgets interface to network sockets.

file  mwconfig.h

This file contains the basic configuration of the MultiWork module, mainly as a definition of a series of preprocessor symbols.

file  mwcoord.h

This file contains the definition of the MultiWork coordinator class.

file  mwdata.h

This file contains the definition of the MultiWork data class.

file  mwlowlev.h

This file contains the definition of some low-level functions for the TCP/IP streams communication and port operations.

file  mwsubdiv.h

This file contains the definition of the MultiWork subdivision framework.

file  mwtask.h

This file contains the definition of the MultiWork task class.

file  mwworker.h

This file contains the definition of the MultiWork worker class.


#define mwBOOL   1
#define mwLONGLONG   1
#define mwSTRING   1
#define mwSTREAMS   1
#define mwNETWORK   1
 This constant is defined as 1 if the network environment is present and the network communication routines should be compiled.
#define mwWXWIN   0
 Unexpected errors occur while using wxWin sockets from within the Krak library from the CAPD package, so I turn this feature off.
#define mwPORT   5885
 The default port number used for the communication between the coordinator and workers.
#define mwCTRLNUM   16780
 The default control number used for data identification.
#define mwTIMEOUT   28800
 The default time-out in seconds (8 hours).
#define mwMAXWORK   1024
 The maximal number of simultaneously connected workers.

Define Documentation

#define mwBOOL   1

Definition at line 46 of file mwconfig.h.

#define mwCTRLNUM   16780

The default control number used for data identification.

Definition at line 126 of file mwconfig.h.

#define mwLONGLONG   1

Definition at line 54 of file mwconfig.h.

#define mwMAXWORK   1024

The maximal number of simultaneously connected workers.

Should not be set to more than 1024, because this is the limit of the macros related to the "select" function in Linux. In Windows, this number might be limited to 64 in some cases.

Definition at line 144 of file mwconfig.h.

Referenced by chomp::multiwork::mwCoordinator::ConnectWorkers(), chomp::multiwork::mwCoordinator::RunLoop(), and chomp::multiwork::mwCoordinator::RunLoopLocally().

#define mwNETWORK   1

This constant is defined as 1 if the network environment is present and the network communication routines should be compiled.

If it is set to 0 then the computations only run locally as one coordinator coordinating one worker in the same program.

Definition at line 93 of file mwconfig.h.

#define mwPORT   5885

The default port number used for the communication between the coordinator and workers.

Definition at line 121 of file mwconfig.h.

#define mwSTREAMS   1

Definition at line 65 of file mwconfig.h.

#define mwSTRING   1

Definition at line 60 of file mwconfig.h.

#define mwTIMEOUT   28800

The default time-out in seconds (8 hours).

Definition at line 131 of file mwconfig.h.

#define mwWXWIN   0

Unexpected errors occur while using wxWin sockets from within the Krak library from the CAPD package, so I turn this feature off.

This may be due to the fact that the main program runs there as a secondary thread. This should be fixed in the future to make the program run in WXGTK.

Definition at line 100 of file mwconfig.h.