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mwconfig.h File Reference

This file contains the basic configuration of the MultiWork module, mainly as a definition of a series of preprocessor symbols. More...

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namespace  chomp

This namespace contains the entire CHomP library interface.

namespace  chomp::multiwork

This namespace contains an interface to the MultiWork module which allows one to easily distribute a computational task over multiple processes and run concurrent computations.


#define mwBOOL   1
#define mwLONGLONG   1
#define mwSTRING   1
#define mwSTREAMS   1
#define mwNETWORK   1
 This constant is defined as 1 if the network environment is present and the network communication routines should be compiled.
#define mwWXWIN   0
 Unexpected errors occur while using wxWin sockets from within the Krak library from the CAPD package, so I turn this feature off.
#define mwPORT   5885
 The default port number used for the communication between the coordinator and workers.
#define mwCTRLNUM   16780
 The default control number used for data identification.
#define mwTIMEOUT   28800
 The default time-out in seconds (8 hours).
#define mwMAXWORK   1024
 The maximal number of simultaneously connected workers.


enum  chomp::multiwork::mwConstants { chomp::multiwork::mwOk = 0, chomp::multiwork::mwError = -1, chomp::multiwork::mwNoData = -2, chomp::multiwork::mwReject = -3 }

Various error codes used during the communication.


Detailed Description

This file contains the basic configuration of the MultiWork module, mainly as a definition of a series of preprocessor symbols.

A few constants used in the interface are also defined here.

Pawel Pilarczyk

Definition in file mwconfig.h.