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class  CubicalSet
 This class stores a full cubical set and implements some basic operations on such a set, like adding or removing cubes with given coordinates. More...


namespace  chomp

This namespace contains the entire CHomP library interface.


file  algstruct.h

This file defines an algebraic data structure which is used to store the information about computed homology groups.

file  cubfiles.h

This file defines various types of cubical sets whose homology can be computed by homology engines.

file  cubiset.h

This file defines an very simple interface to manipulating a full cubical set represented as a bitmap for the purpose of homology computation.

file  engines.h

This file defines several engines for the homology computation of cubical sets.

file  homology.h

This file defines a top-level interface to a homology computation procedure of full cubical sets represented in terms of a bitmap.


void ComputeBettiNumbers (const CubicalSet &s, int *result, const char *engine=0, bool quiet=false)
 Computes the Betti numbers of a full cubical set represented by an object of the class "CubicalSet".
void ComputeBettiNumbers (const void *buffer, int *sizes, int dim, int *result, const char *engine=0, const int *wrapping=0, bool quiet=false)
 Computes the Betti numbers of the given set of full cubes encoded in a binary bitmap.
 CubicalSet::CubicalSet (const int *left_coords, const int *right_coords, int dim=EMBEDDING_DIM, const int *space_wrapping=0)
 The only constructor allowed: Creates an empty cubical bitmap of the given size.
 CubicalSet::~CubicalSet ()
 The destructor.
 CubicalSet::CubicalSet (const CubicalSet &c)
 The copy constructor.
CubicalSetCubicalSet::operator= (const CubicalSet &c)
 The assignment operator.
int CubicalSet::ByteOffset (const int *coords) const
 Computes the right word offset in the buffer.
int CubicalSet::BitMask (const int *coords) const
 Computes the mask for the bit in the right word.
bool CubicalSet::Inside (const int *coords)
 Verifies whether the cube is within the bounding box.
int CubicalSet::Add (const int *coords)
 Adds a cube to the set unless the cube is outside the box.
int CubicalSet::Delete (const int *coords)
 Deletes a cube from the set.
bool CubicalSet::Contains (const int *coords) const
 Verifies whether the given cube is contained in the cubical set.
void CubicalSet::Clear ()
 Clears the bitmap and makes the cubical set empty.
void CubicalSet::ComputeBettiNumbers (int *result, const char *engine=0, bool quiet=false) const
 Computes the Betti numbers of the cubical set.


ofstreamcout fcout
 An output stream defined by M. Mrozek in the CAPD library.

Function Documentation

int CubicalSet::Add ( const int *  coords  )  [inline, inherited]

Adds a cube to the set unless the cube is outside the box.

Returns 0 if the cube is within the box or -1 otherwise.

Definition at line 225 of file cubiset.h.

References CubicalSet::BitMask(), CubicalSet::buffer, CubicalSet::ByteOffset(), and CubicalSet::Inside().

        if (!Inside (coords))
                return -1;
        buffer [ByteOffset (coords)] |= BitMask (coords);
        return 0;
} /* CubicalSet::Add */

int CubicalSet::BitMask ( const int *  coords  )  const [inline, private, inherited]

Computes the mask for the bit in the right word.

Definition at line 208 of file cubiset.h.

References CubicalSet::minimal.

Referenced by CubicalSet::Add(), CubicalSet::Contains(), and CubicalSet::Delete().

        return 1 << ((coords [0] - minimal [0]) & 0x07);
} /* CubicalSet::BitMask */

int CubicalSet::ByteOffset ( const int *  coords  )  const [inline, private, inherited]

Computes the right word offset in the buffer.

Definition at line 196 of file cubiset.h.

References CubicalSet::dim, CubicalSet::minimal, and CubicalSet::sizes.

Referenced by CubicalSet::Add(), CubicalSet::Contains(), and CubicalSet::Delete().

        int offset = (coords [0] - minimal [0]) >> 3;
        int multiply = ((sizes [0] + 31) >> 5) << 2;
        for (int i = 1; i < dim; ++ i)
                offset += multiply * (coords [i] - minimal [i]);
                multiply *= sizes [i];
        return offset;
} /* CubicalSet::ByteOffset */

void CubicalSet::Clear (  )  [inline, inherited]

Clears the bitmap and makes the cubical set empty.

Definition at line 246 of file cubiset.h.

References CubicalSet::buffer, and CubicalSet::bufsize.

        std::memset (buffer, 0, bufsize);
} /* CubicalSet::Clear */

void ComputeBettiNumbers ( const void *  buffer,
int *  sizes,
int  dim,
int *  result,
const char *  engine = 0,
const int *  wrapping = 0,
bool  quiet = false 
) [inline]

Computes the Betti numbers of the given set of full cubes encoded in a binary bitmap.

buffer - a buffer that contains the bitmap which defines the cubes; each byte stores 8 subsequent positions, with lower bits corresponding to cubes placed to the left from the higher bits; the width of each line must be a multiple of 4 bytes (if the number of cubes is less than that, then the lines must be padded with zeros) - this is required by the MM* engines; the first line corresponds to pixels with the coordinates (0,0,0,...,0), (1,0,0,...,0), ..., (n,0,0,...,0); the next line in the bitmap corresponds to the pixels (0,1,0,...,0), ..., (n,1,0,...,0), etc.
sizes - a table of the sizes of the bitmap in each direction,
dim - the space dimension,
result - a table into which the result is written; its size must be at least (dim + 1),
engine - the name of a homology engine to choose; the engine is automatically selected if this is zero
wrapping - space wrapping in each direction (0 = no wrapping)
quiet - true = the function should display no messages to the standard output stream; false = show a lot of messages

Definition at line 53 of file homology.h.

References fcout, chomp::homengin::engine::find(), chomp::homology::scon, and chomp::homology::sout.

        using namespace chomp::homology;
        // turn off screen output if requested to
        bool soutput = sout. show;
        bool coutput = scon. show;
        if (quiet)
                sout. show = false;
                scon. show = false;
                fcout. turnOff ();
                fcout. turnOn ();

        // create a corresponding set of cubes
        chomp::homengin::cubitmap X (reinterpret_cast<const char *> (buffer),
                sizes, dim);

        // set the space wrapping
        if (wrapping)
                X. setwrapping (wrapping, dim);

        // find the best engine to use for the homology computation
        const chomp::homengin::engine *e;
        if (!engine)
                e = chomp::homengin::engine::find (&X);

        // another possibility: find the engine with the given name
                e = chomp::homengin::engine::find (engine);

        // compute the homology of the set of cubes
        chomp::homengin::algstruct<chomp::homology::integer> hom;
        e -> homology (X, hom);
        sout << "The computed homology is " << hom << ".\n";

        // fill in the resulting table of Betti numbers
        int levels = hom. countLevels ();
        for (int i = 0; i <= dim; ++ i)
                result [i] = (i < levels) ? hom. getBetti (i) : 0;

        // restore the message settings
        chomp::homology::sout. show = soutput;
        chomp::homology::scon. show = coutput;
} /* ComputeBettiNumbers */

void ComputeBettiNumbers ( const CubicalSet s,
int *  result,
const char *  engine = 0,
bool  quiet = false 
) [inline]

Computes the Betti numbers of a full cubical set represented by an object of the class "CubicalSet".

Definition at line 262 of file cubiset.h.

References chomp::homology::ComputeBettiNumbers().

        s. ComputeBettiNumbers (result, engine, quiet);
} /* ComputeBettiNumbers */

void CubicalSet::ComputeBettiNumbers ( int *  result,
const char *  engine = 0,
bool  quiet = false 
) const [inline, inherited]

Computes the Betti numbers of the cubical set.

Note: The size of the result table must be at least dim+1.

Definition at line 252 of file cubiset.h.

References CubicalSet::buffer, CubicalSet::dim, CubicalSet::sizes, and CubicalSet::wrapping.

	::ComputeBettiNumbers (buffer, sizes, dim, result, engine,
                wrapping, quiet);
} /* CubicalSet::ComputeBettiNumbers */

bool CubicalSet::Contains ( const int *  coords  )  const [inline, inherited]

Verifies whether the given cube is contained in the cubical set.

Returns 'true' if yes, 'false' if not.

Definition at line 241 of file cubiset.h.

References CubicalSet::BitMask(), CubicalSet::buffer, and CubicalSet::ByteOffset().

        return buffer [ByteOffset (coords)] & BitMask (coords);
} /* CubicalSet::Contains */

CubicalSet::CubicalSet ( const int *  left_coords,
const int *  right_coords,
int  dim = EMBEDDING_DIM,
const int *  space_wrapping = 0 
) [inline, inherited]

The only constructor allowed: Creates an empty cubical bitmap of the given size.

Definition at line 108 of file cubiset.h.

References CubicalSet::buffer, CubicalSet::bufsize, CubicalSet::minimal, CubicalSet::sizes, and CubicalSet::wrapping.

        if (dim <= 0)
                throw "Non-positive dimension of a cubical complex.";
        this -> dim = dim;
        this -> sizes = new int [dim];
        this -> minimal = new int [dim];
        this -> wrapping = space_wrapping ? new int [dim] : 0;
        this -> bufsize = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++ i)
                minimal [i] = left_coords [i];
                sizes [i] = right_coords [i] - left_coords [i];
                if (sizes [i] <= 0)
                        throw "Non-positive size of a cubical complex.";
                if (!i)
                        sizes [0] = (sizes [0] + 63) & ~63;
                        bufsize = sizes [0] >> 3;
                        bufsize *= sizes [i];
        if (space_wrapping)
                for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++ i)
                        wrapping [i] = space_wrapping [i];
                        if (wrapping [i] < 0)
                                wrapping [i] = -space_wrapping [i];
        if (bufsize <= 0)
                throw "Wrong buffer size in a cubical complex.";
        buffer = new unsigned char [bufsize];
        std::memset (buffer, 0, bufsize);
} /* CubicalSet::CubicalSet */

CubicalSet::CubicalSet ( const CubicalSet c  )  [inline, inherited]

The copy constructor.

Definition at line 158 of file cubiset.h.

References CubicalSet::buffer, CubicalSet::bufsize, CubicalSet::dim, CubicalSet::minimal, and CubicalSet::sizes.

        dim = c. dim;
        bufsize = c. bufsize;
        sizes = new int [dim];
        minimal = new int [dim];
        for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++ i)
                minimal [i] = c. minimal [i];
                sizes [i] = c. sizes [i];
        buffer = new unsigned char [bufsize];
        std::memcpy (buffer, c. buffer, bufsize);
} /* CubicalSet::CubicalSet */

int CubicalSet::Delete ( const int *  coords  )  [inline, inherited]

Deletes a cube from the set.

Returns 0 if deleted or -1 if the cube is outside the box.

Definition at line 233 of file cubiset.h.

References CubicalSet::BitMask(), CubicalSet::buffer, CubicalSet::ByteOffset(), and CubicalSet::Inside().

        if (!Inside (coords))
                return -1;
        buffer [ByteOffset (coords)] &= ~(BitMask (coords));
        return 0;
} /* CubicalSet::Delete */

bool CubicalSet::Inside ( const int *  coords  )  [inline, private, inherited]

Verifies whether the cube is within the bounding box.

Definition at line 213 of file cubiset.h.

References CubicalSet::dim, CubicalSet::minimal, and CubicalSet::sizes.

Referenced by CubicalSet::Add(), and CubicalSet::Delete().

        for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++ i)
                if (coords [i] < minimal [i])
                        return false;
                if (coords [i] >= minimal [i] + sizes [i])
                        return false;
        return true;
} /* CubicalSet::Inside */

CubicalSet & CubicalSet::operator= ( const CubicalSet c  )  [inline, inherited]

The assignment operator.

Definition at line 174 of file cubiset.h.

References CubicalSet::buffer, CubicalSet::bufsize, CubicalSet::dim, CubicalSet::minimal, and CubicalSet::sizes.

        delete [] sizes;
        delete [] minimal;
        delete [] buffer;

        dim = c. dim;
        bufsize = c. bufsize;
        sizes = new int [dim];
        minimal = new int [dim];
        for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++ i)
                minimal [i] = c. minimal [i];
                sizes [i] = c. sizes [i];
                if (i > 0)
                        bufsize *= sizes [i];
        buffer = new unsigned char [bufsize];
        std::memcpy (buffer, c. buffer, bufsize);
        return *this;
} /* CubicalSet::operator = */

CubicalSet::~CubicalSet (  )  [inline, inherited]

The destructor.

Definition at line 148 of file cubiset.h.

References CubicalSet::buffer, CubicalSet::minimal, CubicalSet::sizes, and CubicalSet::wrapping.

        delete [] sizes;
        delete [] minimal;
        delete [] buffer;
        if (wrapping)
                delete [] wrapping;
} /* CubicalSet::~CubicalSet */

Variable Documentation

ofstreamcout fcout

An output stream defined by M. Mrozek in the CAPD library.

Referenced by ComputeBettiNumbers().