homology Directory Reference


file  chains.h [code]

This file contains classes and functions related to algebraic chain complexes and chain maps, including homology computation.

file  cubacycl.h [code]

This file contains functions generated using Binary Decision Diagrams for checking the acyclicity of full cubical neighborhoods of a cube in dimensions 1, 2, and 3.

file  cubisets.h [code]

This file contains various procedures defined on cubical sets and related to some combinatorial operations or homology computation.

file  gcomplex.h [code]

This file contains a definition of a general geometric complex which represents a polyhedron.

file  homology.h [code]

This file contains various procedures for the homology computation.

file  homtools.h [code]

This file contains various small procedures that might be useful in programs which compute homology.

file  indxpalg.h [code]

This file contains some data structures and functions aimed at computing combinatorial index pairs.

file  known.h [code]

This file contains the definition of a tabulated set of configurations of full cubical neighborhood used for reducing full cubical sets in the homology computation procedures.

file  tabulate.h [code]

This file contains the definition of a class which stores tabulated configuration of full cubical neighborhoods used in the cubical reduction procedures.