struct Directory Reference


file  bitcount.h [code]

This file defines a very simple function for counting the number of bits in a byte or a multi-byte integer.

file  bitfield.h [code]

This file contains the definition of a bitfield class which works an array of bits.

file  bitsets.h [code]

This file defines a class that uses bit representation of a set to store many small sets.

file  digraph.h [code]

This header file contains the definition of a weighted directed graph class and several algorithms on this graph, including some minimal path algorithms with rounding control to compute rigorous results.

file  fibheap.h [code]

This file contains the definition of a Fibonacci heap optimized for good memory usage.

file  flatmatr.h [code]

This file contains the definition of a simple matrix class which is stored in a single vector, but its elements can be accessed in the double indexing style, e.g., M[0][2].

file  hashsets.h [code]

This file contains the definition of the container "hashedset" which can be used to represent a set of elements of arbitrary type.

file  integer.h [code]

This file defines a class "integer" which represents the ring of integers or the field of integers modulo a prime number "p" as an Euclidean domain, with some extra features which are required by the homology software.

file  localvar.h [code]

This file contains the definition of a template of a class whose object can define a local value of a given variable, and restores the original value upon destruction.

file  multitab.h [code]

This file contains the definition of the container "multitable" which is essentially an automatically extendable array whose memory is allocated in small chunks which hold the elements.

file  pool.h [code]

This file contains the definition of a pool container which keeps elements and manages their reusage.

file  setunion.h [code]

This file contains the definition of the container "setunion".

file  words.h [code]

This file contains a definition of the class "word" which is used to store a string and has some additional properties.