Namespaces | Files



namespace  chomp

This namespace contains the entire CHomP library interface.


file  bitmaps.h

This file contains the definition of a class which can be used as a simple interface to read and write Windows Bitmap files (BMP pictures).

file  colorpal.h

This file contains the definition of a simple class "ColorPalette".

file  chomp.h

This file includes most of the other CHomP library header files.

file  bincube.h

This file contains the definition of a cubical set represented as a bitmap.

file  bitcode.h

This file contains the declaration of functions for reading and writing full cubical sets encoded in the text format as bit codes used in the "chom" program written by Bill Kalies.

file  cell.h

This file includes header files with various definitions of cubical cells and defines the standard types for most commonly used structures related to cubical cells.

file  cellbase.h

This file contains the definition of cubical cells which use a cube base class for indexing all the possible coordinate combinations.

file  cellfix.h

This class defines cubical cells in which the embedding space dimension is known apriori.

file  cellmain.h

This file contains the definition of some functions that are common for all types of cubical cells, independent of the details of their implementation, mainly the computation of the boundary of a cell and text input/output procedures.

file  cellvar.h

This file defines cubical cells whose embedding space dimension is not known apriori and therefore the array of coordinates is allocated each time a cubical cell is created.

file  cube.h

This file includes header files with various definitions of full cubes and defines the standard types for most commonly used structures related to full cubes.

file  cubebase.h

This file contains the definition of full cubes which use a cube base class for indexing all the possible coordinate combinations.

file  cubefix.h

This class defines full cubes in which the embedding space dimension is known apriori.

file  cubemain.h

This file contains the definition of some functions that are common for all types of cubes, independent of the details of their implementation, mainly the text input/output procedures.

file  cubevar.h

This file defines full cubes whose embedding space dimension is not known apriori and therefore the array of coordinates is allocated each time a cubical cell is created.

file  cubmaps.h

This file contains some procedures defined for cubical maps.

file  neighbor.h

This file contains various procedures relating to neighborhoods of cubes in full cubical sets.

file  pointbas.h

This file contains the definition of a point base class which is used for indexing all the points (n-tuples of integer coordinates) which are used in the program.

file  pointset.h

This file contains the definition of a set of n-dimensional points with integer coordinates and several operations on such a set.

file  twolayer.h

This file contains the definition of two-layer cubical sets, as introduced in the paper "Excision-preserving cubical approach to the algorithmic computation of the discrete Conley index" by Kinga Stolot and Pawel Pilarczyk.

file  chains.h

This file contains classes and functions related to algebraic chain complexes and chain maps, including homology computation.

file  cubacycl.h

This file contains functions generated using Binary Decision Diagrams for checking the acyclicity of full cubical neighborhoods of a cube in dimensions 1, 2, and 3.

file  cubisets.h

This file contains various procedures defined on cubical sets and related to some combinatorial operations or homology computation.

file  gcomplex.h

This file contains a definition of a general geometric complex which represents a polyhedron.

file  homology.h

This file contains various procedures for the homology computation.

file  homtools.h

This file contains various small procedures that might be useful in programs which compute homology.

file  indxpalg.h

This file contains some data structures and functions aimed at computing combinatorial index pairs.

file  known.h

This file contains the definition of a tabulated set of configurations of full cubical neighborhood used for reducing full cubical sets in the homology computation procedures.

file  tabulate.h

This file contains the definition of a class which stores tabulated configuration of full cubical neighborhoods used in the cubical reduction procedures.

file  simplex.h

This file contains the definition of a class which represents a simplex.